How to Be an Exotic Dancer

You are determined to become the exotic dancer of your dreams? These are the speps you’ll need to take in order to fulfill your dream:
1.Realise that this is a job, not a lifestyle. You must be motivated and driven as with any occupation. Take it seriously, it’s a job, not a night out. Go in on time and make sure you behave professionally and in line with the rules of the club. You will also need to be familiar with the laws that apply in your location.

2.Assess your fitness level. Are you in reasonably good physical shape? You should be healthy, and while clubs are generally looking for someone slim and toned, there is room for all types of body shapes. A lot of girls worry about not having the right shaped body parts, there is no set size or shape for an exotic dancer.

3.Get supplies. You should have heels, 4-inch at minimum. Ask the other dancers or the club owner what they like performers to wear. Many dancers start off with platform heeled shoes to aid stability. Remember, stiletto heel shoes make your legs look thinner, so they might be a better bet when picking out shoes. Not all exotic dancers want the focus to be on their legs. Wear foot wear you feel is appropriate.

4.Go for Audition. You can apply to the clubs available on the website. Some clubs have audition nights or amateur nights where you can go and try out your dancing skills.

5.Get a “stage name” for yourself. this will be your alter-ego for when you are at work. The most commonly used “stage names” are: Precious, Diamond, Barbie, Ferrari, etc. Instead of using one of the more common names listed, try being unique and think outside the box. Be creative with your “stage name”. Come up with a name that is unlike all the rest. possibly one that no one else might possibly be using.

  1. Know that prostitution, or “extras”, have no place in a club. Moral judgments aside, it makes it harder for dancers to make money when this happens. Also you will be fired if the club finds out. YOU ARE AN ENTERTAINER!


  1. Learn from others. When you start working, make sure you learn from the other girls and respect the way they work. Learn one thing and get up and do it again but better!


  1. Get a website. Getting a website of your own can make you much more popular and raise your tip value. Mention the clubs where you work, and customers will come in just to see you, and they will save their biggest tips for your show.